
Alternative therapies

A lternative therapies such as herbal products, Homeopathy, and other therapies being widely used in the India. They are widely marketed, readily available to consumers, and often sold as dietary supplements. Alternative medicine consists of a wide variety of practices, products, and therapies—ranging from those that are biologically plausible but not well tested, to those with known harmful and toxic effects. As Murray and Rubel have written, “Many are well known, others are exotic or mysterious, and some are dangerous”1. From a sociological standpoint, unconventional therapy refers to medical practices that are not in conformity with the standards of the medical community2.   Alternative medicine is not the same as  experimental medicine .    "I hate the idea that there's a difference between alternative and conventional, West and East," Timothy Caulfield,  a professor  at the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta and the author of  Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wron
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